About Me

currently studying at UCP.

Monday 4 October 2010


Reflection on the VARK analysis
Before completing the VARK questionnaire I always assumed that I was a very visual and hands on learner, as through school and college I was always more interested in graphs and diagrams rather that instructions and books, Hence my job choice.  
After completing the VARK questionnaire, it has proven to me that I am a visual learner; however I am bit surprised, as I am also suppose to be good  at learning through reading and writing. I believe this may be due to realising after starting my job as a maintenance technician that you can’t learn everything by just looking at it, and there is a need to research further in to something, if you want to learn how it works.
Unsurprisingly I am not very good at learning through aural methods. And I believe this has been the case all the way through my school and college life, this still happens today at work as I am no good when people tell me about something, as by the time I get to the job I would have already forgotten it as i didn’t pay enough attention when they where explaining. I think this may be partially due to my lack of self confidence, as I never like to ask questions at school or college as I believed it would make me look stupid in front of people that might already have known. Therefore, this maybe a skill that I need to work on in the future, so I can optimise on the way that I learn.


  • Mechanically minded
  • Learn quickly when hands on and visual
  • Studied various engineering topics for over 5 years now
  • Over 3 years of onsite experince at Perkins engines
  • Have many qualifications including a NVQ3 in Engineering technical services
  • Have the determination to progress my self within the company I work for.
  • Electrical knowledge
  • I dont learn very well if it not visual or hands on
  • I dont cope well under pressure
  • Lack of self confidence
  • I forget stuff easily if it is not used often.
  • Looking to move in to an engineers position at work on completeion of this course
  • Would like to do a course on electrical instalations to obtain 17th edition and improve my elctrcial knowlege
  • Working normally 6 days a week leaves very little time spare for homework on this course
  • Other people have far more experince than i do and wuld find it easier to step in to an engineers position.
  • The company might not want to pay for me to do an electrical instalations course if i am to become an engineer.